We live in Northeast Ct. Katie is single mom living with me and her two sons, Jaccob and Zachary. Maggie is an Engineer Tech at a local engineering company living nearby. Matt also lives with me.

Ex- wife Regina with Katie and Maggie in the fall of 2004

Katie, Matt and Dad

Dad with Matt at Chirstmas 2004

Maggie with her Dad, first day at College

Our new arrival, Grandson Zach with his Aunt Maggie

Gpaw David with Zach

Zach at 3 months

Uncle Matt with Zach

Matt's graduation from Putnam High

Maggie and Jaccob summer 2011

Katie with Zachary in her lap, Maggie, Jaccob and Gpaw and Camber our Samoyed watching over us all. Taken on 6/28/2011


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