Scenes From Tintemarre

Just want to share with you some of the sights and fun you can have on Tintemarre. These photos are from a collection of trips from 2002 through 2007.


Family enjoying the beach naturally on Tintemarre

Golden Eagle Lands on Tintemarre

Golden Eagle on Tintemarre

No trip to Tintemarre is complete without the glorious mud. Our first time at Papagayos for the wine and cheese party a woman from Switzerland spoke about the mud. She said that her luxury Spa in Geneva arranged for the Tintemarre mud to be collected and shipped back for an exclusive mud pack treatment that costs $500.00 for the facial and torso and even more for a full body. After trying the mud ourselves for 6 years we now know why!

A part of the original BareCats enjoying the mud baths

Another way is to fill a bucket with mud and bring it to the beach and mix it there.

Letting the mud dry is a must!

Don't forget to cover back up with sunscreen or you turn very crispy red as the person second from the end discovered

One of the many mud covered photographers catching the fun.

Out curious friend the peacock likes to supervise the whole mud proceedure.

After drying it is a dash to the sea and wash it off while exfoliating your skin with some of the fine white sand. Skin turns baby soft!


The reef by Tintemarre is full of live coral, reef fish and other variety of sea life. Each year we go the variety gets better and better. So the reef appears to be recovering from the beating it took in the hurricanes of 1995-1999.


Click below to see a map of Tintemarre.

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