Brooke's Journey and StoryBrooke has had a 2 year journey in discovering body acceptance and her story is now presented here with her permission: Part 1 Brooke's First Encounter
Brooke's On Going JourneyOriginally Published on Domai in April 2008... The Original Link is found Here Thanks Brooke for a thoughtful story and permission to re-publish it here. I especially like the role that Orient Beach played in your journey. It is a favorite place of ours as well. Dear Domai Early last year I had just begun to understand that there
was a difference between nudity and sex. As an American
female, nudity and sex had always been one and the same. The
way that I was raised also confirmed my thoughts on the
subjects, so I had never thought about the two being
separate. My thought patterns began to change when I met
Lawrence (a naturist himself and a frequent viewer of Domai).
As our relationship developed, he helped me understand the
differences, and he eventually told me about Domai. I was so
impressed with the girls and how nice the pictures were,
that I wrote to Eolake in June of 2007 to speak about my
change of heart. Much to my surprise my letter was
posted on the website.
I felt compelled to write to you about
Brooke and our experiences together as it relates to the
acceptance of nudity. The letters that she has received from
her recent newsletter have been very encouraging. [I know
she got many, and she was very busy and sorry she
is/was behind in answering them. - Eolake] Many of your
readers have seen what I have seen ever since Brooke and I
have met, which has been about a year now. That is, her
smile and her eyes and of course with it, her attitude
towards life in general. It is that essence which has drawn
me to her and continues to do so. It is for the both of us a
common bond, live life to its fullest and cherish what we
have. I am very fortunate that Brooke shares that same
passion with me.